"); if($fiche == 'manu') { print("$legende_manu"); } else { print(" $titre
(Click on the picture to download
the full french issue, with pictures,...)

"); } ?>
Raiden Tame'emon, a living legend
Special translation from the original article published in
Le Monde du Sumo - n°2 - février 2004 (1,0 Mo)
(Click on the picture to see the summary
and download the article)

"); if ($cond_cpt == 1) { //récupération du compteur $requete_cpt = "select * from compteurs where mag = 'MDS2_raiden_e'"; $resultat_cpt = mysql_query($requete_cpt, $mysql_link); $compteur = mysql_fetch_row($resultat_cpt); //code du compteur $source_cpt = $compteur[3]; print("$source_cpt"); } ?>